No, not the popular albeit insipid electronic game but the tentatively titled Okto TV show being produced by Moving Visuals, about the adventures of three young Singaporean musicians who form a rock band. So what does that have to do with me, you might ask?

Here’s the story. Good pals Jack and Rai wrote the music for the show and the duo suggested that Weiwen Seah be cast as one of the three young musicians (the others being Joakim Gomez and Lucas Chia) featured in the series. And of course when the script called for Weiwen’s character  to have a father who is an aging rocker, guess who got the call? Yes, moi…

And so began my initial foray into “acting”. I inserted quotes because I have no idea how to act. After a couple of days to shoot my scenes, I am praying hard that my flaws will be smoothed over in post-production. Yes, I must say that it was tough but fun at the same time. Got to meet new people and spend time with Weiwen, which was cool. Still S-ROCK oriented, you might say.

What is more important than my performance are the contacts I have established over this shoot and look forward to seeing where those fresh relationships lead. In the meantime, stay tuned for the broadcast of “Rock Band” sometime towards the end of this year. On Okto.

… still there’s more …

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