Thoughts about how the various superhero TV shows did this week. Spoilers, duh!
Whenever Supergirl makes a relevant connection to the DC Universe, that’s when the series soars. Villain of the week turns out to be Indigo – the coluan who was formerly known as Brainiac 8. Problem is she’s blue instead of green and thus looks like a poor relation of Mystique.
Jimmy leads Supergirl to her cousin’s Fortress of Solitude in search of clues and stumbles upon a Legion Flight Ring! How cool is that? Hopefully, we might see Legionnaires soon!
Finally, Alex confesses to Kara that she – and not J’onn/Hank – killed Astra and so cue the obligatory waterworks. Hopefully, the Myriad storyline happens soon cuz the suspense is killing me!!
Must admit that this finale was a tad under-whelming. After all the trouble Peggy and co had confronting Whitney Frost, they defeat her with a final solution that seems too easy to be true.
That said, at least the series decided to give us a powerful romantic moment between Peggy and Chief Sousa.
Still, that cliffhanger with Chief Thompson getting shot seemed unnecessary. So I guess there’s a season three then???
After the increasing dead end cycle of searching, finding and failing to destroy Vandal Savage, LOT thankfully offered us something different this week.
In the process, we were given some background into Rip Hunter’s history and also a legitimate betrayal by one of the team members, who is then seemingly despatched for good.
Infuriatingly, once more the team fail to use their greatest asset – Firestorm (who does not appear at all!) – and the story barely rises up what is becoming a dismal run for this series.
No Flash or Arrow this week. Sigh.