If you have been paying attention, you will be aware that we loved Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice whereas most critics reviled Zack Snyder’s magnum opus to such an extent that it scored only 27% at Rotten Tomatoes. Mind you, the totally awful Independence Day: Resurgence managed to score 33%, so that gives you an indication of how much critics hated BVS.
(Or simply a demonstration of how Rotten Tomatoes may be skewing the scores in favour of Marvel movies – consider that an unproven conspiracy theory).
The much anticipated 3-hour Ultimate Edition of BVS has now been released. Will it change the views and perspectives of the naysayers?
The general response that the additional footage makes the film a better movie is flawed in our view. Everything that some critics now say concerning the film – clearer motivations and characterisations – were there in the theatrical cut. It’s just that most of the critics refused to connect the dots, apply logical conclusions and ignored character nuances and instead offered fairly biased conclusions purely on the basis that BVS was not a Marvel movie.
Enough said. The Ultimate Edition fills out beautifully a film that was already a superhero film masterpiece and confirms in our view that BVS is the best superhero movie since The Dark Knight and Watchmen.
Buy now!