I’m proud to say that I get quite a few requests for an MP3 file of My One & Only. So, to satisfy the demand, I’m making the file available for 7 days or 100 downloads whichever comes earlier. (Yeah, it’s at Click on the link below, enjoy and please let me have your comments. If this service is popular, I might do it for my out-of-print songs. Let me know, boys and girls.

My One & Only (from Democracy)

… still there’s more … 

6 thoughts on “MY ONE & ONLY”

  1. Hi Kevin,

    This was my favorite local song when i was still in school! would love to have the MP3 and chords to “My One & Only” please!


  2. Hi Kevin

    I heard this song on the radio again the other day and it brought back fond memories. I’m desperately trying to get my hands on this. Pls tell me how I can get “My One & Only”.

  3. Hi kevin,
    I have been searching for this song for many years as I totally forgot the title. Can you please please please let me know hot can I get the MP3 of this song as well as Jane by Kick? Would really appreciate if you could email to me or something like that? Please let me know.


  4. Kevin…..

    U ROCK! “My One and Only” is a masterpiece, a work of art in my opinion. Have looked for your album for very long but unsuccessful. Till now I still love that song very very much after all these years. May I know how can I get hold of the MP3?

    With your permission, may I serenade “My One and Only” to my wife on our 1st wedding anniversary? Couldn’t do it during my proposal coz forgotten the some of the lyrics hee hee……

    Thank You and God Bless

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