Thoughts about how the various superhero TV shows did this week. Spoilers, duh!
A surprisingly strong entry for Supergirl with the backstories of the Martian Manhunter and Cat Grant brought into sharp focus.
A White Martian (whose species wiped out the Green Martian race of J’onn J’onzz) appears, to kidnap anti-alien-monger Senator Miranda Crane.
Supergirl/Kara has her work cut out to deal with the dilemmas faced by J’onn J’onzz and Cat (with the appearance of son, Adam Foster) but of course, she comes out on top in the end.
A truly well-written episode with the mystifying return of the Reverse-Flash. Why is Eobard Thawne still alive one might ask, when he was destroyed at the end of Season 1?
Well, let’s just say that due to Thawne’s time travelling abilities, the events in this episode take place before Season 1 from Thawne’s perspective, of course.
Brilliant! Barry finds out that time paradoxes are a bitch and has to ultimately let go of Patty in order to protect her from the insanity that is the life of The Flash.
Howard Stark returns to the series! It’s always good fun to have a Stark around and Dominic Cooper hams it up as best he can! For Peggy, her guilt over Professor Wilkes’ fate is assuaged somewhat though not completely.
And what about the outcome of Whitney Frost’s (Madame Masque) own encounter with the Zero Matter. Not too good for the folks around her, for sure.
As solid as ever.
The Damian Darhk plot line takes a rest, whilst Amanda Waller and ARGUS make a comeback appearance.
Lyla and John Diggle are drawn into Shadowspire’s diabolical plan to steal the codes to the Rubicon, and Team Arrow has to confront this problem initially without Felicity, who has her own difficulties to resolve.
If nothing else, Felicity gets her own codename – Overwatch – yeah, let’s not mention that too often. The Diggle brothers also reconcile, sort of.
Sadly, my reservations about this awkward grouping of DC second-tier heroes/villains are proving to be accurate. Throw in messy time travelling antics and the probabilities for disaster increase.
Interestingly enough, Hawkman is taken out of the equation totally – a bit of a relief cuz Falk Hentschel’s wooden acting performance was getting a tad annoying.
One begins wondering if the title of this ill-conceived series was made intentionally ironic. Poor form all round.