Thoughts about how the various superhero TV shows did this week. Spoilers, duh!
Probably the best episode of season 4, and one of the strongest Arrow episodes ever!
As Thea’s life hangs in the balance, the cure to her fatal condition becomes the subject of a power play between Nyssa Al Ghul and Malcolm Merlyn. On the side, Felicity has to deal with that fact that the Calculator is a estranged father.
Oliver finds a solution for this seemingly impossible dilemma but will this only lead to more pain? Probably, yes!
Barry and Cisco join Wells in The Flash’s first extended trip to Earth-2 and things go south very quickly.
Despite the warnings of Wells and Jay Garrett, Barry and Cisco get too deeply involved in the lives of their doppelgängers and also have bad encounters with Killer Frost and Deathstorm.
Let’s just say that it does not end well for The Flash.
More complications for Peggy Carter means that she has to recruit help from within SSR West Coast – which provides more moments of hilarity, of course!
In addition, Chief Sousa’s relationship with Nurse Violet hits a road block.
Whitney Frost becomes even more maniacal as her husband begins to fear the monster that she has become.
The main interest of this episode was that the story would be a loose adaptation of the Moore/Gibbon Superman classic, “For The Man Who Has Everything”.
Used merely as a superficial plot device, the episode was more about how Team Supergirl handled her absence than an examination of Kara’s possible Kryptonian life.
Which is a pity but perhaps the latter was too much to expect. But this is made up for by a competent episode – one in which the rogue Kryptonians (and Kara) suffer a major loss.
Expectations are so low at this time for LoT that an okay episode seemed like a minor victory.
The characters still do not work individually or together and the suspension of disbelief factor has virtually dispersed – a pill that lets you speak Russian? C’mon!
Considering that we are only a quarter way through LoT, surely it’s got to hit its stride at some stage right? Right??