
The joy of music discovery is never limited to merely new artists but even artists that have been around for quite a long while. Fact is, this is the first time I’ve even heard of Cloud Cult and the band has been in existence for over two decades! The Seeker is the band’s 10th album in that time and it is probably the ultimate hipster concept album, despite itself.

There are eight members, complete with horns and cello, and a shouty anthem-centric approach that brings the early Arcade Fire to mind. If we are discussing contemporary references, then The Flaming Lips and the Polyphonic Spree come to mind. There’s a certain childlike naivety about the way in which Cloud Cult approaches songwriting.

Like a hyperactive child, Cloud Cult move through genres like easy-listening folk (“Days to Remember”), chamber pop (“Come Home”) and Roger Waters-channeling depressive balladry (“Living in Awe”) effortlessly.

Certainly, with nine other albums to explore, perhaps it is time for Cloud Cult to have their day in the sun. This is ambitious, trippy, meaningful widescreen rock that deserves attention.

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