These pop-rockers have just the right vibe for Power of Pop! Jake and the Cowboys are the 2nd band to be featured in PoP’s SWAM coverage. Words by Jarred Wall.

Why is it important for you to play in Singapore?

Beerfest Asia 2015 will mark our first international gig, so we are extremely excited to share our music to a market that we feel are going to really enjoy our sound. Jake and the Cowboys are fresh and exciting and provide a live performance which rivals that of the best.

It also proves timely for us as we have just finished completing a successful crowd funding campaign to record our next single ‘She Said’. The response we received from our fans was fantastic and the project itself has really provided us with a new platform to engage our fans and make them feel a part of the band. It also provided us with a chance to give something back to the fans for all their support. For example, fairly soon we will be heading to one of our fans houses to do some gardening and wash their car and then after that, we will be providing an exclusive performance to a group of fans, on top of cooking them a meal! We wanted to give the fans something different and put a personal touch to it. Of course these rewards were some of the more unusual ones, fans also had the opportunity to receive signed CD’s and digital downloads of the new track. It’s now closed but feel free to check out the project at http://www.pozible.com/project/195487

After spending a few days in the studio with Joel Quartermain of well known Australian Act Eskimo Joe, we were extremely happy and proud of the final product. We see the networking opportunities that we will be exposed to in Singapore as a great opportunity to source airplay in the region and ultimately future performances down the track. We will be armed in hand with ‘She Said’ Single’s!

What do you hope to take away from the experience?

We hope to learn a few things about the Singaporean market and what the people like. Eventually our aim would be to have our music receive airplay in the region as we feel our music will be quite well suited to the people and well received.

The networking opportunities are also a great chance for us to make some crucial contacts in the region which we hope will lead to future exposure for Jake and the Cowboys. We want to make the most of the opportunity and what the city has to offer, particularly in the way of music.

What is the band about? How did you form? What is your musical philosophy?

Jake and the Cowboys are about instant hooks, catchy melodies, definable vocals and a passion for performing. We feel that our music is unique and that our songs always have a particular element to them that people will love, whether it be a great hook, a particular vocal or even a memorable guitar riff. We pride ourselves on our song writing and feel that our music is for everyone.

Myself and Jonathan (guitarist) went to school together and have been long time friends. Back in school we often played guitar together and at one point formed a high school band. Don’t ask the name, as I am sure it would’ve been terrible! Following High School we played together in another band and then in 2009 we took a break from it all and did our own thing for a while. I went travelling to Europe and then upon my return I felt rejuvenated. Jon and I started playing again and eventually we recruited a family friend in Dave (bass) and another school mate (Sam) to play drums. It was in 2010 when Jake and the Cowboys were officially born. Since this time, we rotated drummers for a while in Sam and Jesse (another friend) but have managed to find our constant in Paul, our current drummer. As for the name ‘Jake and the Cowboys’, well, that is another story in itself .

Our musical philosophy is to write songs that make you make you feel a gamete of emotions, whether it be a feeling of happiness, sadness, desperation or plainly the feeling of just wanting to dance and have fun! Challenge yourself and think outside the square, don’t get stuck on the little things and always be open to suggestions. I know for me as a songwriter, I have had to mould my thinking and open my ears to others. Sometimes what you think might be THE FORMULA for song writing isn’t always the case and fresh ears always tend to help. Working with Joel Quarermain really helped me with this aspect as his fresh ears really added another dynamic to our track ‘She Said’ when it came down to the recording process and production element.

Why should Singaporeans be interested in your music?

We aren’t trying to toot our own horn but we are something fresh and exciting. Our songs will leave Singaporeans with a taste for more and our live performance is simply one that we feel should not be missed. Our infectious melodies and definable tones are our drawcard and we feel that there aren’t too many bands around like us. On a personal level, there is no better feeling than seeing other people enjoy what you love doing, so when we see people dancing or singing along to our songs, we know we are on the right track. We want Singaporeans to experience this feeling!!

Connect with Jake and the Cowboys at Facebook.

Check out the awesome “Crash” below

SWAM Schedule at Beerfest Asia – 28th June 2015

The China Blue Experiment 3.45pm – 4.15pm

Stopgap 4.30pm – 5pm

Foreign Architects 5.15pm – 5.45pm

LEW 6pm – 6.30pm

Jake and the Cowboys 6.45pm – 7.15pm

Beerfest Asia 2015 Official Site

Thanks to Timbre Music for making this interview possible. 

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