
Feb 102012


Designed by Gene Whitlock

I hate the word ‘blog’. Worse still, ‘music blog’. Power of Pop is a website not a ‘music blog’. And Power of Pop will always be a vehicle for my personal views and opinions. This website will NEVER become a corporate music blog. That is a promise. I started this website in 1998 and whilst there have been hiccups along the way I am glad to say that we move into our fourteenth year in the pink of health. Sure, the website does not generate any revenue but that was never the goal – it has always been about the music.

When I started Power of Pop, I defined ‘Power Pop’ as Pop music with Power and this term transcended genre as my idea of Pop was/is very inclusive. Thus, I want to go back to that ideal that only music that fits that criteria will be featured on Power of Pop – I want this website to be the kind that seriously talented and innovative artists/bands would give their eyeteeth to be featured on. No compromises.

There will still be news items, gig reviews, band interviews, local music coverage in the general context of pop culture significance but when it comes to reviews, I am going to exercise much more quality control. There might be less reviews but when an album is featured, you can rest assured that it is music that has passed the Power of Pop test of excellence.

Thank you for your kind attention and I look forward to more years of support. Please leave comments if you have any at our newly minted Facebook page.

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