Before I begin to gush and fawn over this fantastic album, you need to read this disclaimer –
timewellspent consists of Christopher Moll and Casey Fundaro, the latter being the driving force behind Fufkin.com, for whom I also happen to be a regular contributor,
Allright now that’s out of the way…I shall digress again.
You know, the beauty of our beloved art-form is simply this – we are not ashamed or blinkered to believe that there is anything new under the sun (to paraphrase scripture) – everything in modern music has a root in the past. Reference points and influences are inevitable, it’s not the form it’s the substance – the talent and skill lies in what you do with the tools every musician and songwriter shares with the weight of 40-plus years of great rock and pop music.
Messrs Fundaro and Moll – with the aid of David Rubenstein, Jason Knapfel, Mike Federline and significantly, Thom (Pernice Brothers) Monahan on the mixing boards – have distilled the heady inspiration of 60s atmospheric baroque/chamber soft-country-folk-pop to deliver a stunning collection of songs that would sit comfortably with the discerning pop listener’s library of Burt Bacharach, Beach Boys (circa Pet Sounds and beyond), psychedelic Beatles, Syd Barrett, Zombies, Left Banke, ELO, Todd Rundgren, Mercury Rev, Flaming Lips, Grandaddy, Beck, American Music Club, High Llamas, Mojave 3 and yes, Pernice Brothers.
Suffice to say that fans of these great artists will find timespentwell an appealing proposition as Fundaro/Moll have succeeded at infusing their exquisite creations with the elements that they no doubt love and I’ll wager, you’ll have no problem being enamored with. A+ www.timewellspentmusic.com