At the end of the show, the crowd was baying for a drum solo from Han Quan, which he duly obliged to the enjoyment of everyone in the room. And that was that.
Somehow, this so-called farewell show felt more like a reunion than anything else. Mark John informed me after the show that he hadn’t played with the band for almost a year! A third into the set, I realized how much I’d missed the band – there was a time that watching an Allura show was part and parcel of my routine! Heady days…
Indus Gendi (yet another young band I’ve known since 2007) started the proceedings, somewhat hampered by the inferior sound but storming through. The three guitars threatened to drown out Esther’s vocals but she managed to stay in key and delivered a competent performance. As did the band. Indus Gendi has changed much since the early days when Esther used to sing behind her keyboards but the music is still strong despite the changes. I still believe that Indus Gendi will find its place in our music scene and beyond.
What was truly special about Allura’s performance despite the challenging sound issues was a sense of togetherness amongst the band, family, friends and fans. For me personally, once I had immersed myself into the heart of the beast, it became sheer bliss. The beast? Well, playing in a band is much like building a perfect beast and for Allura, these five talented individuals melded into this creative force – a beast. Aaron’s driving rhythm, the foundation of Han Quan and Matt, the guitar lines of Mark John filling in the spaces in-between and finally, the glue of Inch’s vox holding it all together simultaneously as banshee and baby girl.
Along with the Fire Fight’s final gig, this night was probably one of the best gigs I’ve experienced for a very long time. It was never about note perfection but getting the balance right. And all in good fun, even as Mark John’s out-of-tune guitar provided a jocular moment in the midst of Gamajazillion, it failed to diminish the power of the song. It seemed surreal to me that after realizing what I had missed for so long, I would not be able to watch Allura live again for some time to come…
Which perhaps why it is the right time for Inch’s debut album to be released – even as lead track Mt Epiphany worms its way into my heart and soul (its been on repeat the whole time I’ve been writing this post). So as one chapter is closed, another one opens…
So big hugs to Inch, Mark John, Han Quan, Aaron and Matt, we’ll see you once again as Allura soon.