Spoilers, duh!
Thematically, there was much to appreciate about this instalment as the President of the United States Olivia Marsdin (played by Lynda Carter!) comes to National City to grant amnesty to aliens (extra-terrestrials not Mexicans). There is an assassination attempt on the President which Supergirl barely wards off with the prime suspect being the mysterious superpowered being who disappeared from DEO HQ at the beginning of the episode.
Now this is where the episode goes downhill and fast. Suddenly, a shitload of information that was never ever hinted at is fed to us about the suspect – he’s a Daxamite – and that according to Supergirl, Kryptonians think that Daxamites are evil scumbags. But of course, the Daxamite is innocent and the would-be assassin is a different alien whom Alex Danvers spots in an alien dive bar (yes, really) shadowing new character detective Maggie Sawyer – and is there a lil sexual tension between the two ladies?
Of course, the assassin is apprehended and Supergirl has an epiphany about judging someone based on prejudice and our alien visitor introduces himself as “Mon-El” – which opens up a whole can of illogical worms – the main one being that “Mon-El” is a Kryptonian name (given to him by Superboy in the original comics) and his real name is “Lars Gand”.
Headache inducing. The only saving grace is that it’s obvious that the direction of Season 2 is to go whole hog on the aliens – with the introduction of another green Martian viz. M’gann M’orzz!
Full info at IMDB.
Yet another bewildering episode of The Flash with an introduction to Mirror Master and The Top – both relatively lame villains, which The Flash (with the aid of Jesse Quick) dispatches without too much fuss. Alchemy plot line is put on the back burner while the truly mystifying subplot of Earth-2 Harrison Wells finding and bringing to Earth-1 one of his doppelgängers, without establishing whether he can be trusted or not! Does Team Flash get betrayed yet again? Oh, and expect Killer Frost to emerge soon as well!
Full info at IMDB.
With the other CW shows suffering from declining quality, Arrow actually does not fare too poorly in comparison. In this episode, Oliver and Lila team up to free Diggle from military prison and in the process Green Arrow is not available to lead the team against Tobias Church. Wild Dog is captured at the end and that’s more or less all she wrote, as far as this episode is concerned. Yes, nothing much happened. Egads.
Full info at IMDB.
Superheroes are really stupid in the #CW superhero universe. Or so it seems. Guess that is necessary considering the soap operatic fundamentals of the network. Still, it is quite annoying to see Vixen go postal on the Legends without evidence, after Hourman’s death at the hands of the Reverse-Flash. The team end up on feudal Japan after more stupid hijinks and the illogical sight of medieval Japanese accepting gaijins with powers without running away in terror. But that’s the nature of these CW superhero TV shows and in that context, it’s got to be taken. If not Superhero TV Fare will be no more. Sigh. Saving grace – represented by that pic above.
Full info at IMDB.
… still there’s more …